Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa Claus

Santa Claus,that jolly,rotund bringer of prenets,is a controversial Christmas tradition for mothers and fathers.though he is clearly a character from folklore,many parents go through great lenght to keep alive their child's belief in Santa Claus.the character of Santa Claus,as he is depicted today,is derived from two very old legends:Saint Nicholas,a bishop who gave generou gifts to the poor and was considered to be the patron saint of sailors and children and
Father Christmas,who was considered to be the spirit of good cheer....

The Theology of Santa
Santa, as taught to most children, has most of the attributes of God:

He is virtually omnipresent. He can visit hundreds of millions of homes in one night.
He is omniscient. He monitors each child; he is all-seeing and all-knowing; he knows when they are bad and good.
Although not omnipotent, he does have great powers. He can manufacture gifts for hundreds of millions of children, and deliver them in one night -- each to the correct child.
He is all-good and all-just. He judges which children have shown good behavior and rewards them appropriately. Bad children are bypassed or receive a lump of coal.
He is eternal.
He rewards good and punishes bad behavior.

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